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Below is an open letter from Geffrey Gruber. Geff recently discovered he was born with only one kidney and he is now facing a transplant.

His blood type is A+. Even if you are not a perfect match, you and Geff can form a "Daisy Chain". This means your donation could help someone else and another match would go to Geff. Two or more lives could then be saved.

My name is Geff Gruber. This is probably the hardest letter I will ever have to write. I recently found out that I was born with only one kidney. Being told that was a complete shock. Finding out that it is failing was even worse.

My father died of renal failure last year and my mom is a cancer survivor. This makes it necessary for me to try and ask others for help. There are thousands like me waiting on the list for a deceased donor but time is not on my side. As I am about to enter the hospital to begin dialysis, the wait has gotten scarier.

The average wait time for a donor is 5 to 9 years, depending on where you live. As you can imagine, New York's list is very long. There are many benefits to a living donor. There is a greater chance of success with a living donor and those kidneys can last twice as long.

The thought of asking strangers and friends for help is overwhelming. But if I don't try, I could die. The physical and emotional burden is not something I would wish on others.

I am praying for a miracle. If you think you can help me, please reach out at GeffNeedsAKidney@gmail.com for more information or call 516-410-4771. My transplant coordinator can be reached at 516-562-0550.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.



NKF's community-based initiative to educate about the kidneys, risk factors for kidney disease, and steps to take to keep kidneys healthy.

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Report of National Kidney Foundation Consensus Conference to Decrease Kidney Discards...read more

Dennis Bligen was able to receive a kidney via a kidney swap chain, all thanks to a donation from his friend Jill Christensen. The story can be found here
We had an awesome gala this year! We would like to thank everyone who attended or helped us with the 8th Annual Dennis Bligen Kidney Foundation Benefit Gala.


New PSA Focuses on African Americans and Kidney Disease
National Kidney Foundation launches video spot for April – National Donate Life Month and National Minority Health Month
NKF, ASCP, Leading Laboratories and Clinical Laboratory Societies Unite to Diagnose CKD
New "kidney profile" simplifies diagnostic tests with aim to help detect disease early.
Minorities and Kidney Disease
Black Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Pacific Islanders, American Indians and Alaska Natives are at the highest risk for kidney disease and kidney failure.

In fact, Black Americans are 3 times more likely and Hispanics are 1½ times more likely to have kidney failure compared to White Americans. Researchers do not fully understand why minorities are at a higher risk for kidney disease.

However, minorities have much higher rates of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and heart disease, all of which increase the risk for kidney disease. Access to healthcare may also play a role.
Support Federal Funding for Kidney Disease Research and Programs.  
Show your support by emailing your members of Congress today!
Start a Conversation About Living Donation
Many people won't get a transplant simply because they don’t know how to ask. Whether you need a kidney or are considering donation, let us help you start the conversation.
Be an Organ Donor

Have you ever thought about donating an organ? Organ and tissue donation helps others by giving them a second chance at life. Learn more about the donation process–and how to become an organ donor.

National Kidney Foundation Resource Guide Search our extensive online directory of vendors
She desperately
needs a Kidney.
Her blood type is O
My name is Carla Wimberly. I am a 43 year old single mother of two sons named Christian and Aaron, ages 16 and 3. Today I humbly ask for your help.

* African Americans have suffered the most on the waiting list for a kidney donor. We need to have donors of the same background as the recipients. This will help the community by helping people who are on dialysis.
The DBKF is announcing a new initiative which will help a recipient find a living donor. The first recipient is Shirley Farquharson

Did you know that African Americans are 3 times more likely to experience kidney failure? Because kidney disease often has no symptoms, it can go unnoticed until it is very advanced. But there's good news. Taking steps to live a healthy lifestyle can go a long way towards reducing risk, and early detection and treatment can slow or prevent the progression of kidney disease. Read more and get started...
Find informative transplant resources and support from other transplant recipients (of all organs) as well as those waiting for a transplant.
Recently Diagnosed
A diagnosis of kidney disease can be scary. Here is what to expect next so you can make educated decisions about your health.  Learn more here.


There is a constant shortage of donor organs in metropolitan areas such as New York City. Give the gift of life by becoming an organ donor.

In kidney transplants, the donors' remaining kidney strengthens to compensate for the kidney that he or she donated. Kidneys from a living donor have a better long-term survival than kidneys from a deceased donor.

Also, deceased kidney donation cannot meet the needs of all patients in this country who need a kidney transplant. The waiting time for a deceased kidney donation may be two to five years. Kidney donations from living donors have always been a better option. More recently, kidneys donated from unrelated living donors (such as a spouse or a friend) have been as successful as those from close relatives.


Kidney Fund

National Kidney Center

The Dennis Bligen Kidney Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in honor of Dennis Bligen, who was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease in 2002.
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